Install the GenLI-RS driver (FTDI) and connect GenLI-RS to your computer, in the Control Panel you should get a new COM port, take note of this number.
Make sure you select in TC in the Setup Digital Systems option the ‘Lenz Digital Plus / LI100(F)’ and the correct COM port.
Make sure you are wiring R with R and S with S.
In the contact indicator settings make sure you have the correct address of your RS
module and input.
First, connect AC and RS of GenLI and LDT-RS8. Then connect DCC to JK inputs of LDT RS8, leaving the wires of the occupancy inputs to your tracks.
With a 10K resistor simulate the occupancy in the LDT RS8 by connecting J input and one RS8 input with the resistor, in the TC you should see the correct occupancy when you connect and it goes off when you disconnect.
Now, you can connect the RS8 inputs to your layout and test the occupancy. If you have tracks connected to occupancy detectors and tracks direct connected to DCC maybe you lost some occupancy when the trains passes between this two tracks.
Best regards,